I looked into that earlier, but it causes false coloring. I'd like it to have hard gouraud shading where all faces facing in one direction have the same lighting conditions. In fact, it turns my much-better-looking world:

into this horrible-looking version of almost the same position (without any modifications besides the addition of the sun through script)):

Before, the ambient was giving me problems, but setting it to zero fixed it. In this case, the ambient is zero and it doesn't help. In fact, both the ambient and albedo are at the default and simply changing them won't get what I want.

That is definitely not acceptable. That's why I can't use the sun (or any lights at that). Perhaps you might want a screenshot or two of what I'm talking about to better explain this?

"You level up the fastest and easiest if you do things at your own level and no higher or lower" - useful tip My 2D game - release on Jun 13th; My tutorials