I figured you would've needed that example as a guide. Using what you have given me to add, I get script errors. shademode = flat is not recognized by the engine. I can't find it in the manual either so perhaps you might have the wrong thing. Searching for "shade" didn't help either and "mode" gives a lot of unrelated results. The thing with "dot(normal, -vecSunDir)" is also giving me script errors. I figured that the hyphen in the front was causing it, but that didn't help. One of my other errors was because I forgot a semicolon, but that I fixed on my own. Here's what I'm up to right now:

shademode = flat;
sun_light = 256; // some random number - don't know the impact of it
sun_angle.pan = 0; // from due east - brightest on the east side of object
sun_angle.tilt = 45; // half way from horizon to straight up - about 8:40 AM
dot(normal, vecsundir);

Edit: Oh, as a reminder, this only needs to be applied just once each time a level loads and not be reprocessed every frame. Thanks.

Last edited by ulillillia; 08/30/05 16:11.

"You level up the fastest and easiest if you do things at your own level and no higher or lower" - useful tip My 2D game - release on Jun 13th; My tutorials