Ok I've got the following code (by Steempipe) working and set to go:

technique drawWater
pass p0
AlphaBlendEnable = true;
ZwriteEnable = true;
ZEnable = true;
Sampler[0] = (s_Bump);
Sampler[3] = (s_Cube);
PixelShaderConstant[0] = float4(0.3,0.4,vecSkill1.x,0.75);
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 WaterBump_VS();
PixelShader =
tex t0
texm3x3pad t1, t0_bx2
texm3x3pad t2, t0_bx2
texm3x3vspec t3, t0_bx2
mul r0, t3, c0

The question now is: How could I tell the pixelshader to accept vecSkill1 - 4 in the PixelShaderConstant[0] declaration? Strangely, it actually does accept the skills, but only one at a time, be it r,g,b or alpha. Any of the shader gurus who knows how to do this, any help is appreciated...

Formerly known as The Matrix - ICQ 170408644 I've been here for much longer than most people think. So where's my "Expert" status?