Here's another thing I found, a very simple action to add to anything you want physics to. When shot, the physics will be applied and it will go flying off. Note that you will need the Commercial or Professional edition as it uses Conitec's physics engine.

//Shootable Physics Objects
//Created By: James A. Burke
//Copyright (c) 2004 - 2005 James A. Burke
//Variable Defines
//Prototype Functions
function moniter_event(); //Changes the moniter model and physics

//Desc; Adds force to the moniter9
function moniter_event()
my.lightrange = 0;
my.lightred = 0;
my.lightblue = 0;
my.lightgreen = 0;
phent_enable(my, 1);
if(event_type == event_shoot)
phent_addforcelocal(my, vector(6000, 0, 0), target);
if(event_type == event_impact)
phent_addforcelocal(my, vector(6000, 0, 0), target);

//Desc: Makes the shell fall to the ground
action moniter
my.shadow = on;
my._id = _spark;
phent_settype(my, PH_RIGID, PH_BOX);
phent_setmass(my, 10, PH_BOX);
phent_setfriction(my, 20);
phent_setelasticity(my, 50, 100);
phent_setdamping(my, 50, 75);
my.enable_shoot = on;
my.enable_impact = on;
my.event = moniter_event;
my.lightrange = 60;
my.lightred = 20;
my.lightgreen = 128;
my.lightblue = 140;