
i wan´t to copy TEXCOORD from my base texture to 2 other textures. But i can´t copy it in a PS (I have to do this in VS):

float2 temp;

temp = In.Base.xy; //<- the compiler won´t copy it

color = tex2D( sBase, temp );
shadow = tex2D( sShadow, In.Shadow.xy );
alpha = tex2D( sAlpha, temp );
grass = tex2D( sGrass, temp );

same error as

color = tex2D( sBase, In.Base.xy );
shadow = tex2D( sShadow, In.Shadow.xy );
alpha = tex2D( sAlpha, In.Base.xy );
grass = tex2D( sGrass, In.Base.xy );

I got error X4516, that every sample must have an unique texcoord. (With 2.0 PS it works, 1.0 won´t.)

Is there a special way to really copy a value?