Yes I am a fan of PAYING for software, although my wallet doesn't like it!

I like the terrain generation, I think its nice and fast and with some basic tweaking you can create some fantastic imagery. The sky....yes hmmmm! I must agree with you Frank, I find the clouds look very 2D regardless of the mode, in fact 3D looks like layers of 2D, probably exactly what it is! lol. No matter what settings I use I seem to end up with a slightly poor cloud image, however a little touch up in photoshop can sort this right out, but it's labour intensive and ...well I can't draw! lol

So as a REGISTERED user of 3DStudio Max (just to ensure there's no confusion ) I am looking at creating cloud layers or even complete sky systems here. I am curious though, is it possible to combine sky cubes? I mean, so render a terrain_skybox with alpha for transparency, then underlay a sky background? Can you force movement in the skybox? so creating several layers of clouds and putting them on a gentle spin to create the illusion of moving clouds??? I appreciate this might be a little off topic, sry for the hijack!

EDIT: I appreciate you have a sky package for sale, and im not asking you to hand over all your juicy secrets, im just trying to get a handle on the limitations and possibly options available. Thanks

Last edited by indiGLOW; 12/13/05 11:20.

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