The URL has changed for the archive, it is now available under:

this goddamn place

BTW: I hosted it, but I never found the time to use it.

I placed the _dev.dll in my gamefolder and this in the beginning of my code:


plugindir = ".";

dllfunction add_zip_resource_PW(string1);
dllfunction encrypt(string1);
dllfunction decrypt();

string zip_string = "rhuRmiehleuM";


then, later in the main I place on top of it:


encrypt(zip_string); //write password.txt
decrypt(); //decrypt password.txt again, and add the real string to the file

//add custom resources from RESOURCE.ZIP
if(add_zip_resource_PW(zip_string) == -1)
error("Unable to unzip file to buffer. Engine shutdown.");


but the engine does not find the functions in the DLL???

Last edited by HeelX; 05/06/06 10:34.