Ok, finally it works, so that I got my password.txt.


1.) I need to enter that zipstring, but when my mainwdl is not encrypted, hwo do I have security that noone takes the decrypted strings, passes it through the system and gets the correct password string?!

2.) I've done a small app with dozens of bmap definitions and a lot of panels. So, I zipped all used TGAs into the resource.zip with the right password, but while compiling the engine complains that it doesnt find the related bitmaps. So I changed every bmap definition just with bmap and the name and then semicolon, in a small loader function which is called after opening the resource archive, the bitmaps are assigned with bmap_create, but this didnt worked because the bmaps werent defined as pointers. So.. I changed everything to bmap* pointers. Then, the compiler complained that I cant use bmap pointers to declare which bitmaps are used for panels, buttons and stuff.

Does anyone know a good solution for this?


I found an ugly fix: You define every panel bmap with a dummy-bmap and then you bmap_create the panel bmap after adding the resources, but then you have to update the size_x and size_y parameters. The problem are especially for panels: buttons! Because the given button-bmap determines the size of the button and (as I know IMHO) you cant change bmap and size of a button yet. ARGH [EDIT2] And I dont want to create all my panels dynamically.


One feature request: please add a string to the add_zip_resource_PW function a second string parameter to allow multiple archives, for instance resource_models.zip and resource_sounds.zip, etc.

Last edited by HeelX; 05/06/06 22:39.