
Oh my goodness, you are quite a swank
Some of us are older than 30 and no FPS guys that train their reflexes 6 hours a day. Most of us are software developers that create games in their spare time.

i'm 26, and the last FPS i played was this one and about 3 years ago, i rarely have time to focus on playing games due to work, family and yes programming, it's my job. So please don't think i'm a crazy fps gamer or something, cause i'm not. I'm a programmer, scripter, web developer and this is the true fun for me.
That being said, i don't have 6 hours a day either only to play FPS, i rather go out with my wife + kid.


But I don't want to start a flame I would just be a bit more happy when you show a little respect to others as we show respect to you.

i never said anything bad about you nor did i disrespect you. Not sure what you mean. I'm sorry if i offended you anyways. I simply stated several times that the AI is fine and shouldn't get more weaknesses, of course give everyone the option to change the bot's AI (accuracy, run speed, etc.).

again, sorry anyways, in no way it was my intension to offend you.