it isn't. If you followed this thread from the beginning, we had this discussion before.. I've explained that the Bot doesn't cheat, it doesn't know where you are, and it uses the same attributes(speed, health, weapon damage, weapon accuracy) as the player. maybe you want to try hiding somewhere and press F7 to see through the Bot's eyes. You'll see he's playing like a player would.. he's just a real good one..

Keep an eye for the new demo which will feature more realistic bots, plus Ally bots that fight with you... It should be out already actually, but I keep spending time trying to make the pathfinding and collision avoidance perfect for every situation possible. And I quote Michael Booth when talking about his CS Bot in GDC: "Navigation is Hell!".

Getting closer and closer though. Hopefully, by tomorrow I'll be able to throw the player with 2-3 allys and 10-20 enemies in a really complex 3d level, and everything will behave normally.. If it does, I'll make a new demo for you all as well!

Sorcerer: There's no way in hell I'm giving up on my products.. Of course, I'm not promising that all Intense Ai versions will be out. Actually there's a strong chance that if the Standard version goes horribly, I won't continue the series. But even if I don't, I'll keep giving support for it and make new updates regularly, like I did with Intense Dialogues. My goal is to make all Intense Ai versions planned, cause I'm really really excited working on this project, so I really hope the first version does go well..

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