Yeah I know, but it ain't happening. My calculations were correct and everything but I hadn't counted the university exams coming on next week. I stopped working on Intense Ai for 10 days now, and I'll get back to it after 10th of December.
Then, according to my plans, I'll need no more than two weeks to get everything done. I really don't want to give out deadlines though, cause every time I do, I get to be in a place like now where I have to say "I'm sorry, it ain't gonna happen cause of bluh.. wait for 5 more years.." etc..

On the bright side, I'm terribly close now! All it's left more or less, is writting documentation, fix some rare bugs here and there, comment the code, polish the WED Customization Panels and it's done. I even thought about building a pre-release but I hardly have time to post this message right now, I can't spend any time in anything than studying cause I'm worried about failing the year. After 10th of December though I'll get a good 1 month of holidays which will all be spended on finishing IaI and giving support for it.

Cheers All and thanks for waiting,

Last edited by LarryLaffer; 11/29/05 06:13.

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