Hello Everyone,
I just started my new creation of a game called ( 99 names of Allah ) ... with a new team, we don't have alot of members in the team. i do modeling my self and other guys do different job, but most of the others are hard to reach or conctact most of the time.
I wish to find someone that can help us out and be a part of our team.

The game is an educational game and no payment for who work with the team because this is my first game and I Just want to show one game we made , after the game could be done. I can find who support the payment issue for the team, or the game itself.
If someone is interested to work with us. I would appreciate this help, and I can pay for your time, this project, I can offer free modelling for who is interested to work with us. Or even we can offer a free Host... You can even check some of our work at web page..
Best Regards,

Osama Al-ani

Spider_Man 3D Modeling, Website Services, my profile "osama Al Ani": www.vlprojects.com www.vlprojects.com/artwork