You not what I think, one of the dudes that leads the forum should propose a project. Something that will test all of the very best of you, bcz I have yet to see anything built with GS that I would buy in my local games store...

I am not saying people haven't made excellent games, put in lots of hard work and produced something that is fun, challenging and all the things that go with it. But nothing here is triple A.

The potential is there....

I have seen bits from shader posts, model post showcase and so on, that are fantastic and independantly of AAA standard, but no one seems to get it all together to produce something complete.

First off all those that worked on it would be credited, but also be able to site their envolvment in the project....which in turn should raise their profile and maybe generate more paying work...

As an open source project it would also provide a great guidline for all the ultra-prenours out there....

Just my 2 cents.

Oh and splitting the forum , paid for work and help wanted is a mighty fine idea and should be implemented at once

The Art of Conversation is dead : Discuss