
Hi, to all of you that are experienced in Character sketching or drawing, here is
what I need: A few Human Characters in SciFi Style, and 2 DIFFERENT Character
types is Special Forces style, so SWAT or FBI. I need them as reference images
for modelling so a front view and a side view will be necessery for this. My
Idea of payment is following:

If the game will be sold (comercial):
I am really planning on selling the game so
if you give me at least 5 different Characters, 5 male and 5 female, plus 2
different SWAT of FBI Style character types I will pay you about 25-50$ (depends on quality).

If the game will be Free (Freeware):
I doubt that it will but just in case, then I canot pay you for this project,
but I will menchan your name Bold in the credits and will pay you in my
next comercial title with the same paying concepts as shown above.

I hope anybody is interested and thank you for your time,

Kevin Erkelenz, AKA Sylver

I know that certain things have been cancelled, nevertheless I wouldn't mind drawing a few sketches for the amount of money you are offering. And don't worry I'm good enough, I'm sure about that, I'm drawing my own concept sketches all the time, so..


PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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