Hi, my name is Erald Cala. Me and my partner are developing a game called BioMeka: Pandoras Grave. We are in need of a professional scripter. A very large amount of money will go into LDD into developing the games levels and models. I can have them vouch that this is a big number and that they are working with us. Now you hear the usual pay will be received when the game is commercial. I am sure you heard this a million time. But I bet you that you never heard of them ever say they have a concept artist and the LDD company is behind us.

The game is an action adventure game. You play this synthetic human named Zenith. Pandora has been released from her tomb and has enslaved the world. It's up to Zenith to save the world and his brother. It's an exciting story line that has a twisting plot.

Some temporary Images

Requirments: Must know a great amount of C-script.

We are located on the eastern coast of USA.

Contact me if you are interested.

Sincerely Erald Cala.

Last edited by Hellcrypt; 01/16/06 18:57.