@ FoxHound

o_O WELL..typically, RTSs are sort of avoided like the plague, mostly because they're AI intensive...so much so that every other place I've been to has had pages and pages of "It's too harddd" and " That's alot of programming..I can't do it". I would imagine something more advanced would have even fewer takers. As I've been a 3DGS User and patron of this place for a while, I tend to think there are far more men than mice scripters .

I use the phrasing brave enough, because I've yet to meet one willing to take on the work. This, however, says nothing much about me. -_o Anybody here who knows me (comprising about 3 developers and a couple other programmers who've been here a while) knows I'm not such a bad guy, though. I'm sorry if my cheesiness offends you:) (but dont expect me to commit suicide in apology ).

@ Blaatsalat

Ey bro, been a good while.

I hear what you're sayin about the difficulty of reaching western society with eastern themes, buuuut:

If it weren't for the marketing, and the cheesy inclusion on Jean Reno in Part 3, Onimusha shouldve failed as well. Also..I don't plan to make it strongly themed, not so much so that it's unapproachable by westerners just not malignantly innaccurate.

Anyone with a samurai obsession, love of true war strategy, desire for simulated conquest, or who has the capacity to spend hours playing any given game online, would at least try it.

Also: No programmer besides the greedy bloodsucker I work with who'll just try stealing my idea from under my pen when it gets somewhere (meant in the nicest possible way if he's reading )= No demo capacity...as I am a graphic artist... I'm all visual.. ALL visual.. total right brainer.. Annnd I DO..or DID plan to share a design document once completed (as I do want to be taken seriously ). It Isn't quite done, bout another week or so before everything's worked out..buut I take my work and my brainchildren seriously.

Also.. maybe I shoulda waited a day or two before I said anything, lol. It seems not only didn't I get any sort of related inquiries, I got exactly what I wanted to avoid getting.

It's ok though, I'm a walking talking jynx, lol. If I havent already, I'll take take your criticisms into consideration .

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