
Yeaa that's mostly what I've run into tho. Not here, but elsewhere there have been programmers who just dont want to push themselves. Not downing them or anything, buuut... can't get anything done with just me. Besides..Sir..it was like 60% joke . I'm nothing without a little formality. BTW, I WAS the go-to guy where I'm from ..It's actually how I got good at the many things I do..

@ destruktor

You might be on to something.. and yea I KNOW there's a huge enouhg market, if you just reach out and touch em with the marketing ^_^; there's no shortage of American japanophiles and we all know this, lol. Anyway.. Even tho I'm not a programmer. I COULD..do something of a demo cinematic.. YEA.. most-def.

Good idea, destruktor. You're a genius!

Off I go to do some sound engineering and animation then . Keep the comments comin (hopefully one will actually be interested in contributing but I welcome the nontopical scrutiny).

I'm ICEman, and I approved this message.