Hello everyone I'm new to the 3dgs environment, and just a pilgrim in the new fangled internet world. However I have a bit of a background with programing and design. I hope to be developing my own designs, art and especially the coding of games, teaching myself every aspect, one little piece at a time.

Such doom and gloom in these posts do I see.

To Destruktor, I say to you don't feel sad if you cannot find a graphic artist. Keep looking, keep trying and if you must... learn to do the artwork yourself. Eventually, you will find or can become a modeller. Nothing worthwhile is easy.

ICEman, such trouble in your life and yet, you still continue to plan and create. If I was not so new to the environment I would offer assistance immediately, however I will be around and would be happy to work with someone like you, who can still love to create in the face of such misfortune.

You should drop that programmer ASAP, even if you have to give up the other project. Most likely it will end in failure, if for nothing else the "development environment" is working against you. Also consider if the coder is acting this way before revenues are earned it should indicate the possibilities of consequences that will most surely arise in the future.

When I mention failure I do not mean lost revenue. As Foxhound and mk_1 pointed out, to just complete a project is its own success. And this is what teams and individuals should strive for. Think about the income after you have a product to market.

Try to work with people who have vision, like yourself, they are out there. People who can live without piles of gold but, cannot live without dreams. I'll be around. In a year or two there won't be anything I won't be willing to try to code.

The best way to get the programmers interested is with a well layed out plan of the operations that will make up the world of your game. All aspects that you can think of, for example: rules of play, how the models and objects will interact with the terrain, what type of visual battle dynamics will be displayed... ect.

DONT post your entire plan online, this should be shared between you and your team. If you put everything up publicly then there will be no surprizes in releases of our games!

Your original post was good enough to get an RTS minded coder. You and your programmer should discuss what options are available for your design to be coded. The coder(s) and you will modify the plans with ideas to make it easier for them as well as discover new ideas to implement into the project.

Oh... do try to use simplicity as part of your artistic design. Resuability not only with coded modules but with model objects too, be creatively resourceful. Any theme, Japanese historic or otherwise, could potentially sell if the game is fun to play and easy to learn.

Your most humble, newly noob member