Thank you ICEman, if there is any way I can be of assistance I would be glad to help. Although I am limited to just ideas to offer at this point being so new to this medium. Simplified rules can be just as rewarding as complex systems.

I do have a great love of history and was at one time an expert in the real use of ancient weaponry from almost every culture and every era, Chinese weaponry primarily. This will help when I start doing my own animations hopefully.

It is good that you took the time to understand the programmers tools. It is the same reason I say to Destruktor to do some modelling. A simple understanding of all the parts of game development provides a better plan and ability to communicate concepts to the other members of a team.

3DGS offers aspiring designers the ability to learn all phases of development. Everyone should take advantage of this, so they can better understand and coordinate with their team member's needs and limitations.

The words I spoke about your programmer may seem harsh but, it is a cold reality and is not meant as an insult to him in any way. The root of conflict is often frustration. I may be new to 3D and C, but I've programmed in assembler in the past and have worked with many coders overseeing development.

The rivers of time erode away the mountains of existence...