Hi, I'm just starting with 3DGS and I was thinking about using these shaders with my game: http://www.single-cell.net/3dgs/downloads.htm

Unfortunately when I try to run my level with that script added it gives this error message:
< bmap_to_cubemap(mat_ToonShader.skin1)>
toonshaderdx9.wdl 22:0 Error(58): Parameter unknown mat_ToonShader keyword

< }>
toonshaderdx9.wdl 23:0 Error(96): Syntax error - nonexistent/empty function mtl_toon_init

Script error
Engine Shutdown.
I read from the previous post (http://www.coniserver.net/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/450277/page/0/fpart/1/vc/1) that there had been similar issues with this script, but those matters weren't solved. Also, is there any other toon shaders I could use, if this won't work? I have checked Wiki, but those there didn't work either. My card is Radeon 9600 which supports 2.0 shaders.

And heres the script I'm using:
// Simple Toon Shader
// Works with vs1.1 and ps1.2 - so it will work on most cards
// Works with DX 9 so it works with the 6.30 and above
// This is a modified version of ventilators original Simple Toon shader.

// To make this work you copy this stuff or add ths script.
// You also need two image files:
// 1 - tsnormalise.tga - which will get made into a normalisation cube map
// 2 - A shade map that determines the level and numer of shade bands in the paint section
// By default this shader uses ts2tone.tga which gives two tone shading.

// Normaliser cubemap sprite
bmap bmp_normalizationcube=<tsnormalise.tga>;
// Paint shade map for toonshader
bmap bmp_tstonemap=<ts2tone.tga>; // <<< CHANGE THIS TO CHANGE PAINT SHADING

// This Starter function takes the normaliser sprite and convirts it to a D3D cubemap
// This function is started on game start and needs to occur before the toon shader will work
// It creates a cubemap and assigns it to the shaders skin1 texture.
starter mtl_toon_init()

// Ink and paint toon shader - Takes light direction from sun direction vector
material mat_ToonShader
skin1=bmp_normalizationcube; // This is the normalisation cubemap created by the starter function
skin2=bmp_tstonemap; // This is the shademap that determines the "shading" of the paint part of the shader

texture entSkin1; // The models skin texture
texture mtlSkin1; // The normalisation map
texture mtlSkin2; // The tone map
matrix matWorldViewProj;
matrix matWorld;
vector vecSunDir; // Sun direction vector

technique TwoToneToon
// -------------- Painter --------------------
pass p0
texture[0]=<mtlSkin1>; // The normalisation map
texture[1]=<mtlSkin2>; // The shade map
texture[2]=<entSkin1>; // The models skin texture



dcl_position v0
dcl_normal v3
dcl_texcoord0 v7

m4x4 oPos,v0,c0 // transform position to clip space
m3x3 r0,v3,c4 // transform normal to world space
dp3 r0.w,r0,r0 // renormalize it
rsq r0.w,r0.w
mul r0,r0,r0.w
mov oT0.xyz,r0.xyz // output normal to oT0
mov oT1.xyz,-c16.xyz // output light direction to oT1
mov oT2.xy,v7.xy // output uvs to ot2
tex t0 // fetch normalized normal
texdp3tex t1,t0_bx2
tex t2 // sample color map
mul r0,t2,t1 // modulate with shading
// -------------- Outliner -------------------
pass p1
vertexShaderConstant[16]=0.8; // outline_thickness, def0.8 << CHANGE THIS TO CHANGE OUTLINE THICKNESS

dcl_position v0
dcl_normal v3
dcl_texcoord v7

mov r0,v0
mul r1,c16.x,v3 // Scale the normal
add r0.xyz,r0.xyz,r1.xyz // Shell offset (vertex pos + Scaled Normal)
m4x4 oPos,r0,c0 // Transorm position to clip space
def c0,0,0,0,1 // outline rgba << CHANGE THIS TO CHANGE OUTLINE COLOUR
mov r0,c0
} // End of technique

technique fallback // empty fallback causes normal rendering without outline
pass p0 { }
"; // end of effect