
he asked about transparency in max.

No he didn't. He said he's using MAX to make his model:


Im making my model in 3ds max.


For the glass, do I just make a flat plane without width, use an alpha on that part...

He's right about this.


Then how do I apply part transparency in Med is there a script?

Then I answer that he doesn't need a script. He needs to make an alpha map using TGA Maker which I provided the link to and then he can create a alpha map for his model. MAX doesn't come into the equasion and doesn't need to .


of course you need to save them as seperate meshs and stick them togather in med as mdl only supports single texture maps.

No it doesn't. It supports multiple texture maps (diffuse) and also a TGA with an alpha channel. And you don't stick them together in MED. You stick them together in WED.


You built that house in MAX but we're not talking about MAX because he wants the final model in WED which I instructed him on how to do lol .

So where is JamesA?