I think most people here have dillusions of granduer, and maybe I am among them

It is amazing how much work is involved in even the simplest tasks: an example.

We recently set about rendering a 5 min short film. Each frame of the film was a composite of at least 3 images, and at 30 frames a second this was 9000 images x number of composites per frame, in this case 27000 images.

Each image was 800x600 and approx 1-2Mb each. So we needed 27gig of file space for 5 minutes of film. Not to bad, but then each frame took 45 seconds to render, 1,215,000 seconds or approx 14 days.

So from what seemed like a small task quickly grew out of expected proportions.

Now try and apply this to making an entire game. Simeply planning to a level that the development of the project can start takes a huge effort. Most people don't want to do that, they just want to make a game

But in most cases, without this document investment for your project, it is likely to fail.

Quid Pro Quo: most ambitious projects, the next doom3 for example, never see the light of day. That's not to say A6 is flawed, my first comment post explains it best I think

Just my 2 cents...

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