
With the functions from conitec we can only record the user inputs, this means we can as example only record the player actions but what's with the npc actions?

with my function you can add as many as possible , but remember if more is added more the file will grows up and also the Framerate , so you have to be tricky. A simple example in my script , instead of save the Player position AND the Camera position to the file , i only save the player Position becouse the Camera position is already set on players position. Another example is my little Fun Game "Run or Die" , the player change his speed , pan , roll , tilt , x , y , z , c_trace and more . But i only need to save pan , x , y and z , the rest do the players Action. That way you have more room to add for example NPC´s actions

Last edited by Shinobi; 03/30/06 23:46.