As some of you may know my company is working towards developing proof-of-concept's to take to publishers and from time to time we have posted a 'looking for a team' request.

As an indie developer we are not in a position to offer payment or salaries for any of these types of offerings. Simple we are looking for like minded people who want to get involved with projects that look promising, improve their portfolio and possibly become part of a triple-A development team.

We have a number of projects under development and would like to invite people to become part of the team(s). Broadly speaking we have an 'extreme sports title' and a hack n slash RPG, both in the alpha stages of development.

We are looking for primarily for talented scripters although all other skill sets, modeling, texturing and other artisans will be considered.

Essentially if either of these titles gets picked up by the publisher you will be offered a full time employment contract of a minimum of 12 months as well as a cash reward for your work in the concept-development. (Negotiable)

Here at indiglow we believe that the A6 community has some very talented individuals and those of you who are looking for an opportunity to do something that might just change their life, who understand hard work and that these projects can only work with a team all heading in the same direction, please post in response.

If you visit our site you will notice some level work we have done for some AAA titles already and will know that while we don't claim to be on close terms with huge publishers, we have been mentioned on T2's italian site.

My point is that if one small pebble can make ripples in the pond, imagine what 10 could do?

Finally we are only talking about 'Proof-of-Concept' demos, not completed games. Each of these demo's should not take any more than 2-3 months to complete with a team of 5-10 people. That doesn't even mean you would work for 2-3 months, it just means that is how long we expect it to take. You may only do 2 weeks work, maybe writing a better physics loop or adding some new textures....

While I agree this isnt for everyone, and I respect those that are not interested. It would be great if for once, replies could be from those that are interested more than the critiques who see no future in this prospect.

If there are some interested people I will say more about the proposed projects and maybe discuss some of the finer details.

Thanks for your time and interest, its much appreciated

The Art of Conversation is dead : Discuss