So, can we hear some tidbits about the RPG project? Obviously, I'm not looking for a detailed description, or on specifics of game mechanics, but perhaps some basics.

Now, this may seem odd, but here is the way I work: if a project does not "match" my thought process on certain things about game dev, well, I would rather bow out gracefully, then continue forward, to the detriment of the project. Perhaps this is not the best way to join a team, however, I'm much more likely to produce my work by the deadline date/higher quality, if the project is something I believe in, AND the team members are people I believe in.

And that is one of the reasons why I "poke my nose" in certain threads around here If people are paying attention, then they have garnered a bit of info on my thought process on game dev/design. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I'd rather know beforehand if it's a project I would like to work on, instead of finding out after, and causing problems with the team, which helps no one.

If you wish, you can, obviously, pm me any minor details, email me at, or ignore me

Cheers and all that jazz!

Read the manual, it's a good place to start learning ~ ulillillia