@laethyn: While I am not going to reveal all the juicy goodness here just yet, I agree some more info on the RPG title would be most benefitial. Before I do however I would like to address your comments about an idea 'meeting' your expectations, and how this effects your involvement in a project.

While we have a concise Dev Doc and Concept Paper for both projects, we have tried to keep the actual development options as open as possible. For example: We know there will be a complete magic system and that this system includes a 'Unique for Genre' element, but these UfG's are the only fixed requirements and even these are somewhat flexible.

We believe that to realise the 'vision' of the title, means that a lot of flexibility has to be factored into the development docs to allow creative changes and to encourage the natural evolution of the title.

With that said, having a Development Doc that is concise allows these changes to be managed and not chaos or free form.

A good example of this would be:

    *Development Document Says: Horse & Rider.
    *The Modeler: Makes the rider, but decides a Unicorn would look way better.
    *The Proggrammer: Turns the horse into a camel which is a much more efficient creature and removes the rider as he is excess baggage.

End Product: A Unicorn with 2 humps and no rider...

My point being while we will encourage creativity, we must keep as close to the original vision as possible, otherwise target-deadlines and much more, quickly go the way of the dodo, and at best a stalled project.

This is why communication between the team must be a priority. indiglow will be providing a private TeamSpeak server for all members of our projects to use, to better communicate with each other and to hold development / design meetings.

For info on Teamspeak visit: http://www.goteamspeak.com

On with the show!

I can not reveal any details at this time regarding the 'X-Treme Sports' title, however I can discuss the RPG in more detail....

Here is a copy of the 'Concept Paper' for the RPG title: Dark Prophecy - Realm of Kings in MS.Word format.

Hopefully the first thing you will note is that its a 3rd person RPG, and to clarify this further, we are talking about what is traditionally refered to as a 'Hack & Slash' adventure game, similiar to that of the Buldurs Gate franchise for PlayStation2.

The Concept Paper is writen for marketing and for complete understanding of the features would require a read of the development document which gives more detail than what is presented here.

In short we have focused on some very simple, and well established game system as we feel GS is best suited to this style, (Mayb not be an opinion shared by everyone, especially the FPS developers here ), and our pre-alpha testing supports this theory.

As for the game mechanics, we are entirely focused on the KISS approach, Keep it Simple Stupid, and while we want the game to feel complex and deep, we believe this can only be achieved, at least by indie developers without the $million budjets, by following this rule.

I can, and will, go into more detail a little later on, most likely over @ indiglow.co.uk, sometime early next week and maybe we can look at defining some team members and responsibilities.

A quick note about that: We will be looking to assign team leaders, to take specific roles within a small group, and so everyone who would like to get involved, it would also help if you could give a little bit of information about what you would like to bring to the table, and feel free to put yourself, or recommend someone else, to take a more senior role in the team, this will help us move things on quicker and again improve inter-department communications.

Thanks again to everyone who has responded

The Art of Conversation is dead : Discuss