This is driving me nuts. I am using the latest version 6.40.2 I am trying to create my terrain in med and it seems sometimes putting a texture on it works and sometimes it doesnt just with no rhyme or reason. Like, it will work fine once. Then I need to make a change to the texture, so I change the texture and put it back in with no change to size or file type and all of a sudden it doesnt display anymore.

I noticed the times that the skin/texture does adhere to the hmp, before i try to put on the texture map, the height map image is showing as well as the raised surfaces. When the terrain just appears white and raised surfaces the texture map doe not adhere to the terrain. The texture appears in the skin editor left window but not in the 3d window. And it is just white in the regular model window and in the engine.

I tried switching back to the previous version of 6.3, whatever the last of that version was. But then when I imported my heightmap the terrain was just flat in the model editor window so I don't know what is up with that.

I can't really do a list of steps for this because there doesnt sem to be much pattern to it.


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