Hi is their any plug-in's for the xbox remote control or the playstation remote control out thier that work's with 3dgamestudio? if their isn't I think someone should make one. Becuse I don't have xbox 360 or the xbox360 remote control. I have an xbox and the 1st playstation which I have the playstation remote controls and also the xbox remote control.

also I am using windows 98 second edition is it possible to use the driver with windows 98 second edition? I plan on getting a new computer next year and I am going to get windows vista.

I have a problem when I made a huge outdoor level and I ran it in the test mode in the high def option my computer crashed when I moved the plaver during play mode of the level, I guessed the level was too graphic for my computer or took too much ram, but ever since I did that at bootup with my computer booting windows 98 at startup of the os my computer keep's on crashing, after like 10 or 20 times of turning my computer on and off if would work and boot correctly.
would this mean my RAM is bad or I damage my graphic card? Would it be possible to damage your ram or graphic card if it can't handel the game.

Thanks for your time.

Last edited by Aaron; 05/16/06 03:41.