As usual, I get into something and then farming starts, and can't keep it going.

Anyhow, here's is what I am thinking,

The top line of pictures will be the coaches, still one spot left open there. There will be 4 pictures instead of three like the original poster.

The bottom line will be what should be the starting line up and recruits, still 3 slots open there until soon. There will be 5 pictures instead of 4 at the bottom.

If the pictures could be made to look poster like that would be sweet. Kind of keeping to the original style.

Current Coaches' Pics, top row: Frank Martin, Bob Huggins, Dalonte Hill, and ?
Current starting Player's Pics : Cartier Martin, Jason Bennett, ?, ?, ?


Yeah, Yeah ... I am a programmer not 2d art specialist.






All these new recruit names are coming up, so still waiting on the rest of actual line up.

Thanks for your time. If you can pull it off I am indepted to you Ancient_Idol. Would be so cool if you could put something new together with that so I can put it in my signature at the K-State forums so I can atleast look cool.

@ fastlane69: There is our thugs so far and we have a special taxi-cab allocated for Huggins (the Huggmobile), so he doesn't drink and drive anymore.


Professional A8.30
Spoils of War - East Coast Games