Hi everyone,

it's been a while since my last character pack (Male Pack),
i'm glad that i finally had some time to finish my 3rd pack, Male NPC Pack,
it's now available for only $15

i got many request for swimming, crawl and walk animation,
so i include those animations with this release, also with
the additional attack(punch), duck and of course
with all standard animations.

Since all of my animations use the same bone structure,
hopefully you can use these new animations with my other character pack interchangeably (male/female/any other pack in the future),
so this is a good time to collect them all......... just kidding

here are some further information about this pack:

Male NPC Pack File List

Male NPC Pack Detail Info

More Screenshots

Demo Movies

Cubix Studio Store

Screenshot of Male NPC open in Model Editor

many thanks,


http://www.cubixstudio.com/ affordable 3D Models for sale