When I add fog to my level, it looks like it kind of chunks out in a triangular pattern. I'm assuming the triangles match up with those of the terrain mesh, but what causes this? How can I get a nice, smooth fog? Is it something with code, or is it simply a monitor setting? Right now my monitor is set to 800x600 (though I've tried 1024x768 and that didn't make any difference), 32-bit color. I've got an nVidia GeForce 6600 GT graphics card running on an AMD Athlon 64 Processor with Windows XP.

Also, is it possible with fog or some other method to get an effect like depth-of-field like you can with a camera, where things far away are blurrier than things up close? My level uses lod, but that doesn't really seem to do it. The problem is that as soon as trees or something come within the clip range, they appear instantly, rather than kind of fading in.

Thanks for any help,

Using Professional Version 6.31.4