
thank you for your comments everyone.

I'm glad I've published this already, cause I've yet to start on that stupid documentation. Hopefully, I'll get some free time tomorrow. You get some idea from the comments anyway, but I also want to give you some good tips that would save you a couple of hours looking around.. So, tomorrow then... sorry


Sometimes, if you click on the side of a block, the player will try to move there and sometimes it won't. Ideally, you're going to want it to never do it or do it everytime(unless certain conditions are met...see below).

You're a hell of a beta tester.. I'll see what I can do about that, probably drop the target spot to the ground and attempt to pathfind there, if there is a path. Nice catch again..


PS. why did you choose the dijkstra algorithm? What are the advantages over say, A*?

There aren't any. A* is better, it's as simple as that. The reason I haven't upgraded from Dijkstra to A* yet(it won't be more than 3-4 extra lines of code), is that Dijkstra is doing ok. You won't get any decrease in the performance from running that algorithm several times per frame, so I put my effort into optimizing other things instead.

Don't forget though, that the actual search algorithm(breadth-first, depth-first, Floyd, Dijkstra, A*) is only half the picture. The underlying data structure is also critical, if not the most important part. The first pathfinding I made for 3dgs was inspired by Philipp Walser's tutorial and did a run-time A* search on a dynamic square-grid search space around the NPC. Needless to say, all these useless nodes that were being placed in stupid positions and flooded the whole level made up for a terrible search space and it's no wonder that no real game ever used this kind of technique. Intense Pathfinding is at least 100 times faster than my earliest attempt because of it's improved Search Space, even though it uses a slower search algorithm(Dijkstra instead of A*).

Hope I made some sense. I never know for sure when I ramble like that.. Good luck in your research on pathfinding anyway. It's hell.. you're gonna love it

immersionfx, geia sou file mou (ksexasa to onoma sou, lol ), pos paei to paixnidi?? Eides vlakeia, tora eimoun 1 mhna ellada, kai de sinenoi8ikame na pame kamia volta. Prox8es gurisa pali skotia alla ama einai kanonizoume kati gia to kalokairi Ego esy kai o Hellcrypt

Cheers all,
