
AWESOME NEWS!!!! i am gonna test this right away.
does it create the nodes on the fly, or is it calculated from a look-up table ?



i tested this, but was wondering, does it work with terrain? cuz right now it's being showcased only on a flat surface, and what about more then 1 onstance, like a squad, is that supported?


All the answers you need are in the documentation and in the current thread. In a sum, Intense Pathfinding uses preplaced nodes and an automatic graph generator, so you could say it uses a look up table. Terrain should work fine although I've never actually tested it. In the demo you can walk around a model-only maze level, and terrains are essentialy models.. There's also ramps, steps, bridges, abstract models, and everything you could find in an actual level.. Finally, there are instructions in the documentation, to let you have as many as 999 pathfinding agents.

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