It would be nice to have a function to set what execute() should execute.
Something like this:


text execute_allowed_text
strings = 5;
string = "function my_function1(v_value, s_string);", // execute my_function1 is allowed
"function my_function2(s_string1, s_string2);", // execute my_function2 is allowed
"function my_function3();", // execute my_function3 is allowed
"skill _health;", // execute manipulations on skill named _health
"var variable1;", // execute manipulations on varible named variable1
"function wait(v_time);"; // execute wait is allowed

string test_string = "player._health = 100; player._mana = 50; my_function1(3, \"Hallo World\"); variable1 = 10; my_function5();";

function execute_mod()
execute_allowed(execute_allowed_text, test_string);

The function execute_allowed(Text, String) should only execute...

player._health = 100;
my_function1(3, "Hallo World");
variable1 = 10;

...and ignore...

player._mana = 50;

This way we could make our games able for modifications without the possibility to cheat.

Last edited by HPW; 04/22/06 14:19.

Evil Blood (v. 0.52) RPG (Social Network Community)