While we all know that MED has it's own built-in 'terrain' functionality, it is no secret that it is quite limited in terms of what you can accomplish. After perusing these boards I found several 3rd party terrain programs, each with varying features and costs...

Though I am no stranger to terrain, I've not used a terrain software since roughly 2001 and I'm sure things have come along quite a bit since then. I want to know what YOUR terrain program of choice is and (if possible) why. I could really use the help in determining which program I should buy.

Cost is a factor! let me know how much the software goes for if at all possible.

Let me start by listing a few terrain programs I know of, but have not yet tried - please give some feedback on these if you can:

-IceX 2.0 (any good? seems to be the cheapest I can find at 13 euros)

-World Machine

-World Builder

Feel free to comment on any others...