10.05.06 i finally got the movement working thanks to william and locoweed for their help.

it works now in my testthing that i can move the host player around and send position to the client. its very smooth and works perfect for me.

now my problem is i have to pack this test into a system where every player can move his own entity by sending coordinates to the server wich then calculates his movement with c_move and sends coordinates back.

right now i need two models, one for event_click and movement and one for the player visual model with animations.

i thought about how to manage this efficient and it gives me headaches. i came to the conclusion that it would be the best to create 2 pointers for each player with ent_create so i can send directly to that entity. the first with the name "player" holds the playernumber and is sensitive to event_disconnect so clients can disconnect. then depending on the playernumber i create an entitypointer depending on the playernumber of the player with the name "thisisplayer1" so i can send directly to that player.

then i create pointers like:


and create them locally for each player depending how many players are active in the game.

i use variables like client1wantstomovethere[3]; to let the server know where client1 wants to move. then the server calculates the movement and sends back client1ishererightnow[3]; to all clients 4 times a second.

well right now my code is a little mess, and i have to rewrite lots of it so my system works. i know this might not be very good coding style but at least it should make the code a lot more readable and understandable.

ill let you know when iam done and post the movement code.