Of course, I think one of two things will happen. Hell or Heaven.

I think once we get to heaven though, we're not going to care about what happened in our previous life. The only time we're going to have to worry about it is at the initial judgement. After that, we'll want to forget all about it. We're not going to have all of the same desires and problems and emotions and pain, etc. So why would we want to reflect on a life caught halfway between heaven and hell? Once we're in hell, I can't even speculate. It'll be absolutely horrible I assume.


Something I find interesting is that no-one worries about the infinity before they were born. There is no great reason to think after you die will be any diferrent, except wishful thinking.

Something I find interesting is that no-one accepts that the universe was obviously created, and instead spent their lives thinking that humanity is the best there is.

I think allowing yourself to ignore the obvious, once you're old enough to understand the difference (part of the reason we were created) is wishful thinking.