
Why is it that people cannot accept the fact of "nothingness", it exists all around you. Before you were born you were nothing, and after you die you are nothing. Why would you see a review or your life? It's like saying that after you die you get 3 wishes. Life isn't a Disney movie...

Gotta agree here, after death, i think there wont be anything anymore, it's like sleeping without dreaming, you just wont wake up, i think you woiuldnt even notice it.

Only thing i wish nobody, is a painfull and slow death (like suffication, burning, having a certain disease like cancer...)

that's my vision, there is nothing after this, cuz if there would be a God, and we would reincarnate, wouldnt we have allready met the man itself, now why would our memory be erased all the time then?

i dont think there are any spirits inside people, it's just bones and flesh...


Formerly known as dennis_fantasy
Portfolio - http://www.designorhea.com/
Project - http://randomchance.cherrygames.org/