

But that maybe simply me not quite understanding this test variant.


This test variant has been proposed to emphasize( at least to try to..)the difference beetwen a human being and a machine
It is well known that no sofware has been yet capable to pass the Turing test

If you ask a set of questions to an entity behind a screen, sooner or later you will realize wether you are dealing with a human being or a computer

However even though in future a PC will pass the Turing test ,you can not claim that the machine have any consciousness for the reason explained before

Obviously there are also some proves against the existence of soul

If a cat attacks a mouse, the heartbeat of the mouse's mother drammatically increases even though she is in a safety place
It seems strange that a "pure reactive agent" can drive also some functions which apparently have nothing to do with the survival of the animal but which are very close to human emotions

The problem of soul existence is still open , in my opinion