Well , since for my game I just finished I needed to use DX8 , I installed gamestudio on another folder , and only updated it to 6.22 , and remembered this topic , so I checked the fps while running the game and it stays solid at 59 on fps_max 60 , using fps_max 61 it stays at like 61 i think , this is how I remember gamestudio acting before the weird fps problems , so its definately something from 6.31 and up , as if i run the game on my 6.31 installation I have the messed up fps , where i have to set it to 64 so itll stay at aroudn 60 , but even then theres always that 3 to 4 frame drop every now and then I constantly get , and when I run it on the 6.22 installation it stays solid at 59 , no fluctuation at all , and this is the exact same game with the exact same code running , so definately something with the 6.31 update and above.

Last edited by Why_Do_I_Die; 08/31/06 06:53.