originally basing on this topic: http://www.coniserver.net/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=SHADER&Number=495256

Dennis_fantasy and I tried to reimplement the projection shader of the WIKI and we both had in collaboration no success.

Rhuarc posted some WIP pictures of his shader which applies on both models and WMB surfaces...

dennis and I just wanted to play with it but we bite both into our keyboards because the WIKI shader is just submitted as a C&P and with no comments we werent able to reproduce it.

What we are looking for is a projection shader that supports at least projecting on models and intersected projections.. so that if two projected spotlight for instance intersect, it should keep working without any buggy behavior. WMB surface support would be nice, but we would be happy if there is at least one shader avaiable bound into a small demo (one room, two entities with 2 different projection images stored as the first entity skin, for instance), both projectors are rotating).

Thank you all in advance,