Well, I didnt knew I should ^^

Ok, I set in a loop of the projector the camera's position and its angle to the according values of the projector, copy teh matView matrix into the material matrix.. well, here is the code:


material* tempMat;

action actProjector
var saveCamX[3];
var saveCamAng[3];

my.material = matProjector;

while (1) {

vec_set(saveCamX.x, camera.x);
vec_set(saveCamAng.pan, camera.pan);

vec_set(camera.x, my.x);
vec_set(camera.pan, my.pan);

tempMat = my.material;

mat_set(tempMat.matrix, matView);

vec_set(camera.x, saveCamX.x);
vec_set(camera.pan, saveCamAng.pan);


Now something happens.. when I center the view on the cube, there is something going on... I think something of the sprite is projected on the cube.. argh, but I didnt wanted that the camera projects on the cube, I want that the cube projects on every other entity.