Ok but that still wont work, because ..

m4x4 r10,v0,c95 ..this result needs to be a world*view*projection .. right now you are just doing position*view

so the way to do this in your shader is something like this:

VertexShaderConstant[0] = <matWorld>; //World Matrix
VertexShaderConstant[32] = <matProj>;
VertexShaderConstant[95] = <matMtl>;

m4x4 r10,v0,c0
m4x4 r10,r10,c95
m4x4 r10,r10,c32

this gives you something like this:
float4 temp = mul(Pos,matWorld);

btw, i reccomend switching over to HLSL, this assembly stuff sucks.

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