
I'm trying to create water caustics for an ocean floor -- hs anyone on this thread had further success or made newer versions of the projection shader?

I know you mentioned a shader for caustics, but have you seen this little program:


It's specifically made for caustics. Perhaps you could create an animated sequence and somehow render to texture of the results (or by any other means that can be done to execute this) on the geometry that requires the effect?

There's a free and commercial version:


Caustics Generator (free version):

Graphical user interface
Several parameters to control the caustics
Preview the output while changing the parameters
Available for the Microsoft Windows platform
Open Source

Caustics Generator Pro (commercial):

Command line interface for stand alone use or integration into third party programs
High Dynamic Range Image output (HDRI)
Available for Linux and Microsoft Windows platforms
Source code can be licensed for integration into own tools

BACK TO TOPIC (sort of ): I'm interested in a Shader 2.0 projection shader. Since learning that there is much more standardized goings on behind the scenes with 2.0+ shaders, I've become more interested in them. I see no need to support 1.x anymore given this one huge advantage; however I'm not quite ready to start beating the 3.0 or 4.0 drum just yet. Anyway, for my title, a projection shader, per pixel lighting and dynamic hard to soft shadows, shader fog (don't know what to call it), and other fancy lighting/shadows effects are what I'm interested in. To get a better idea, go take a look at the Alan Wake tech demo on Youtube. The very brief part where they go inside the building are the type of effects I'm after, as well as the Unreal3 tech demo of the lantern coming down the stairs that's been out for months (I'll have to find it and post some day).

I'm not too interested in normalmapping, and I'm also wanting to experiment with a toon shader for the style I want for my characters. All of this would need to be 2.0 and work on all 2.0 cards (for obvious reason....FX cards need not be worried about).

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