
Dark Age aswell as Charge GUN(@kihaku no prototype is not chargegun) are on ice for the meanwhile, as there were no people involved in that project.
Its a pain doing such Projects as just one person.

However, Prototype is being made by me, EX Citer and Loopix.


a pure online egoshooter? oh well, i thought its something cool :/

How can you argue on that yet, as you dont know anything about the features.

By the way there are some other only-online shooters that are very liked ( e.g. Counter Strike )

He doesn't know because you haven't told him, I like you and all Michael but really what's the point in showing something and not giving details? It's just asking for bad critique.

What you have shown looks cool thou, nice job.


Last edited by TMK; 05/26/06 18:25.