Over the time I was not here ( had some problems ) I wasn't lazy!
Big things from the To-Do list are worked off:

- Character Management System
- Combat System
- Highscore ( not just a simple one )
- Player Account Management
- Even Better Password Encryption

But ok, here are the first In Game Screenshots - Yes the textures are still from Halo, but *wink* im a coder, not level designer and even less I am a Texturer
The gun you see there isn't yet finished in skinning, but EXCiter is taking care of that at the moment.

EDIT: Forgot to say that the first real Action shots come when we get our Online MySQL database so EXCiter and me can play online. I will also post the results of the first DeathMatch Round then.

and some nice shots from the Level:

Last edited by Michael_Schwarz; 06/29/06 11:40.

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku