We have just finished the actual version of Prototype.
Updating works now flowlessly and secure and also the Account and character managemant works fine.
The server list is ready to be filled.
Three (temporary) maps done and ready to be played.

Now we need YOU.
We need you to Beta Test The Actual Prototype version!

If you know that you can host servers( as some cannot due a firewall in routers or else ) then we really need you!
If you just want to play the game and find all actual bugs(and there are a lot) then we also need you!

Contact me via PM in the forums or leave a reply here(first one is recommended).

You will then receive the Download link and Installation instructions by email, so don't forget to include it!

I see you In game!

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku