Your task is a bit confusing, because you seem to need more and other things than only an intro. You need flesh to the bones of your concept. Conceptual flesh, because your concept is still not complete!

Do you wanna make him write a novel for you?
Do you wanna make the player read the story like in your magic book demo?
Or do you wanna actually a cut scene which starts the game?
If the later is the case, than you should proove each sentence to see what it costs!
What sort of models, programming, animations etc. does it need?

As far as I see, you need a dry expose and screenplay.
(The most sentences in the texts above are beyond any chance to implement them appropriately in a cut scene of a game.)

Your concept has a lot of ingredients, but they are still not closely tied up.


The game is set in a world that is a super-future of our own, which was
destroyed somehow by war or natural disaster and after a long long long long
time, re-awakened with humans alongside fantasy creatures like dwarves ,elves,
pixies and so on.

This could mean that there are findings from the destroyed civilization which have no meanings anymore within the super-future fantasy world, like for instance a 'no parking' sign.

"meaning - no-meaning", "lost meaning" - "regaining meaning" could be the all tying core of the concept.

As an educational title the game's target is a special part of knowledge, as an entertaining title it should involve more feelings than just success in learning. An entertaining title tries to evoke emotions which are connected to life as a whole. (That's why we were told at school that the core of novels and movies is always about love and death.)

Consequences of "meaning - no-meaning", "lost meaning" - "regaining meaning" as the core of the concept:

#1 The "horrible, utterly despicable, completely evil wizard":

Why is he so evil? - He is evil, because a "cute furry" giant teddy bear imprisoned him through his whole childhood and treated him like a dangerous idiot, while talking kindly with all friendlyness to him.
Because of this conversion of meanings in his former life, he has no fun but conversing and destroying meanings, and he hates all that cuteness and friendlyness, and he does the best he can do to heal these cute furry bastards from their unbearable kindness. Permanently struggling to free himself from the chains of meaning. That's the reason why he continuesly is messing around with meanings, inserting quotes from findings of the ancient time, which are so nicely meaningless...

Still to do (but more time-consuming to write down than I dared to fear):

#2 Mushrooms:

#3 Nyara:

#4 Flying Weazel:

#5 Enchanted Garden:

#6 Cute Furry Animals/Turned Into Monsters

#7 Magic Book:

#8 Intro Cut Scene:

#9 Interaction/Correlation: Education - Entertainment

#10 Final Solution:

A short piece of dialog:

Nyara: You are so mean!

Evil Wizard: Mean? 'Mean' doesn't mean anything to me! I'm the kindness in person!
[I guess, that is bad english. German: "Ich bin die Nettigkeit in Person!"]

Sorry for intruding in your business. Wanna get more of this?