
It seems like we aren't going to get many more replies, so I'd like to bring up the closing date for this unless anyone minds.

The new closing date is this Thursday 8th of June. After that I'll put up a poll for feedback and anounce the winner early next week.

So, if you've been thinking about it, now is the time to put your entry in!

Quoted A. Russell; makes the rules as he goes.

Choose your own adventure:
*I cry foul. I was waiting to the very last minute and this contest is obviously not procrastinator-friendly.
*I've been brainstorming on the character identities for the last week, and they still suck.
*You can't force the creative writing process, or as I like to refer to it: the process of cramming surplus adjectives into bloated run on sentences during bouts of sleep deprivation.
*Sadly I can't really write, I can only try to fake it like a 52 year old grandmother doing a poor voice over five countries and two continents away, 52 weeks in advance of the production of your favorite pornography flick. [sarcasm]Obviously, it's worth waiting for.