No it wasn't sacasm. I was truly apologizing. How old are you anyway PHeMoX? I was apologizing to everyone except the person who doesn't know how to program correct paths into the templates they make. And since you think I'm sarcastic I WILL NOT apologize for implying you are 2 year old. I did infact admit I was a dumb ace. People who take offense when it is not intended are fools and those who take offense when it is intended are greater fools. And I certainly don't want an engine to do the work for me. If I wanted that I would have gone and bought the FPS Creator. I can read the advertisements on the 3d game studio webpage. I know I am going to have to work at making a game if I buy something that has an editor for models, scripts, and worlds. I just want the templates to work so I can learn from them. I want to know how the code relates to eachother and if I can't run it I can't figure out what it's doing exaclty.

...So anyway I apologized and I'm learning stuff about the engine and the scripting language now. So let's all move on. And if anyone thinks I'm still being sarcastic That's not my problem. If anybody wants to continue to insult me, fine. I deserve it for being rude. Obviously none of you have been extremely frustrated at that moment in time as I was.